

英 [sen?se??(?)n] 美 [sen?se??(?)n]


n. 感受,知觉;感知能力,知觉能力;(某种经历所带来的)整体体验,总体印象;轰动,引起轰动的人(或事)

[ 复数 sensations ]

sensation [ sen'sei??n ]

a basic and simple perception of external stimuli, such as "feeling a touch"

synonyms: perception, sensation, sensory experience, sensory impression, sensory data

a person who possesses exceptional talent and expertise in any domain

a general sense of enthusiasm and increased curiosity "the anticipation I felt created a sensation that was a mix of hope and apprehension"

a state of widespread public excitement and interest, the announcement created a buzz

the sensory faculty that allows us to perceive the external world

以上来源于: WordNet


短语是由两个或多个词组合而成的固定表达方式,具有特定的意义。例如,"break the ice"(打破僵局)和"kick the bucket"(去世)都是常见的短语。

词组是由两个或多个词组合而成的表达方式,但它们的组合并没有固定的意义。例如,"red car"(红色的汽车)和"big house"(大房子)都是词组。





pleasant sensation 快感

visual sensation 视觉

tactile sensation, also known as the sense of touch, is a fundamental aspect of our daily lives. It allows us to perceive and interact with the world around us, providing us with valuable information about the texture, temperature, and pressure of objects. Whether it's the softness of a plush toy, the roughness of sandpaper, or the smoothness of a polished surface, our tactile sensations help us navigate and understand our environment.

The sense of touch is not only limited to our hands and fingers. Our entire body is capable of experiencing tactile sensations, with different parts of our body being more sensitive than others. For example, our fingertips are highly sensitive and can detect even the slightest changes in texture, while our back may be less sensitive to touch.

Tactile sensations can also evoke emotional responses. The feeling of a warm hug can provide comfort and a sense of security, while a sharp pain can elicit fear or distress. ***dditionally, tactile sensations play a crucial role in our social interactions. *** gentle touch on the arm can convey empathy and support, while a firm handshake can communicate confidence and assertiveness.

In conclusion, tactile sensations are an essential part of our human experience. They not only provide us with information about the physical properties of objects but also contribute to our emotional well-being and social interactions. So, let's appreciate and cherish the rich and diverse world of tactile sensations that surround us every day.

auditory sensation 听觉

n. [生理]知觉;震动;感受

词根: sense

adj.prudent 谨慎的;慎重的;明智的;明智的

adj.apparent 明显的;显而易见的;表面上的;明白的

adj.aware 意识到的;知道的;明白的;察觉到的

adj.astute 机敏的;精明的;聪明的;敏锐的

extraordinary 非凡的;异常的;令人惊奇的;令人感动的

sensory sensory 感觉的;知觉的;传递感觉的

foolish 愚蠢的;愚笨的;不明智的

unconscious 无意识的;昏迷的;不省人事的

unaware 无知觉的;不知道的;不察觉的

sensing 敏感的


sensate 可感觉的;知觉的

adv. unconsciously 无意识地;不知不觉地;不省人事地

n.sense 是一个英文词汇,表示“感觉”、“官能”、“观念”、“道理”或“理智”。这个词可以用来描述人们对事物的感知、理解和思考能力。它可以指代人的五感,如视觉、听觉、嗅觉、味觉和触觉,也可以指人们对世界的认知和理解能力。n.sense 是一个多义词,具体的含义取决于上下文。

perceptible 可察觉的东西;敏感的人

Sensible 可感觉到的东西,指的是可以通过感官来感知的事物或现象。例如,我们可以感觉到温度的变化、听到声音的传播、看到物体的形状和颜色等等。


sensor 传感器

sensibility refers to one's emotional responsiveness or sensitivity, as well as their ability to perceive and understand emotions in themselves and others. It encompasses both the capacity to experience and express emotions, and the ability to recognize and empathize with the emotions of others. Sensibility plays a crucial role in human relationships and communication, as it allows individuals to connect and relate to one another on a deeper level. It also influences our decision-making process, as our sensibility helps us navigate and interpret the world around us. Developing and nurturing our sensibility can lead to greater emotional intelligence and a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

sensing 感知;察觉;探测

sensationalism is the pursuit of attention-grabbing effects or popularity by appealing to the public's curiosity or desire for excitement.

sensationalist 感觉论者


vt.sense 感觉到;检测

sensibilize 使感觉敏锐

sensibilize 是一个动词,意思是使感觉敏锐或敏感。它可以用来描述某种行为或方法,通过增强感知能力来提高对情感、感觉和激情的敏感度。


另外,sensibilize 还可以用于描述个人的内在变化。例如,我们可以说:“这次旅行让我对自然界的美感产生了更深刻的体验,使我的感觉变得更加敏锐。”

总之,sensibilize 是一个用来描述增强感知能力和提高对情感、感觉和激情敏感度的动词。它可以应用于各种情境,从电影、艺术到个人体验,都可以使用这个词来表达。


情绪 n.内心感受,心情,情感色彩,指由于某种原因引起的内心感受,强调个人主观体验,有时也包含理性因素。

When our grandmother passed away, we reminisced about her life with deep emotions.

sensation n.是指当人体感官受到外部刺激时所产生的感觉和知觉。

***s she watched the film, she felt as if she were inside a moving car.


passion n.热情,激情,欲望,对某事物的强烈喜爱或追求,也可以指愤怒或情欲的强烈表达。

He expressed his deep enthusiasm for the value of freedom.


*** wave of conflicting emotions washed over him whenever he thought about her.

sentiment, sensation, feeling, passion, emotion

sentiment, sensation, feeling, passion, emotion are all interconnected aspects of human experience. They all contribute to our understanding and expression of the world around us.

Sentiment refers to our overall attitude or opinion towards something. It is often influenced by our beliefs, values, and past experiences. For example, someone may have a positive sentiment towards a particular political candidate because they align with their values and beliefs.

Sensation, on the other hand, refers to the physical and sensory experiences we have. It is the way we perceive and interpret information through our senses. For instance, the sensation of touch allows us to feel the warmth of the sun on our skin or the softness of a pet's fur.

Feeling is a broader term that encompasses both emotional and physical experiences. It refers to the subjective experience of an emotion or sensation. For instance, feeling happy or feeling pain are examples of emotional and physical feelings, respectively.

Passion is a strong and intense emotion or enthusiasm towards something or someone. It is often associated with a deep commitment and dedication. For example, someone may have a passion for music and devote their time and energy to pursuing a career in the field.

Emotion is a complex psychological and physiological response to a stimulus. It involves a range of feelings, such as happiness, sadness, anger, fear, and surprise. Emotions are often accompanied by physical changes in the body, such as increased heart rate or changes in facial expressions.

In summary, sentiment, sensation, feeling, passion, and emotion are all integral parts of the human experience. They shape our perceptions, attitudes, and responses to the world around us.



When our grandmother passed away, we reminisced about her life with deep emotion.

sensation n. 指人体感官受到外部刺激时产生的感觉,知觉。这种感觉可以通过视觉、听觉、触觉、味觉和嗅觉等感官来体验。当我们接触到热的物体时,会感受到热的刺激;当我们听到美妙的音乐时,会感受到愉悦的感觉;当我们品尝到美味的食物时,会感受到味觉的享受。感觉是我们与外界交互和感知世界的重要方式,它使我们能够感受到周围环境的变化,并作出相应的反应。

***s she watched the film, she felt as if she was inside a speeding car.


passion n.热情,激情,渴望,对某事物的强烈喜爱或追求,以及对某事物的极度厌恶或愤怒。

He expressed his deep enthusiasm for the value of liberty.


*** wave of conflicting emotions washed over him whenever he thought of her.


The arrest of him created a stir.


The feeling of floating can be incredibly enjoyable.


The pain was unbearable, causing her to completely lose feeling.











My email: ilikework_cz@126.com

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